Here, now, comes Winter, wrapping up the year and setting the stage for the season and year that follow.
In ancient times, our ancestors feared this time of the year, and performed rituals and acts to safeguard the people and the world through the cold darkness that pervades this season.
Today, we are more likely to shop and goof off and maybe to party a bit more than normal, indulging in modernday rituals to ward off the dark and the cold. Each and every culture has its way of recognizing this time of year, the world over.
Make the most of this season, and enjoy the days and nights as they pass. Feel the cold and the wind and be glad of your warm home. Enjoy the gift of life as it is given to you, each day, and give back some part of yourself. We are all in this, together, you and I, and our comradeship will make the cold warmer and the long nights shorter, day by day.
Happy Holidays! Happy Winter!